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The Profitable App Blueprint: From Ad Creatives Innovation to Value-Based Bidding In User Acquisition

In this webinar, mobile app growth expert and Google Ads account manager Marios Anastasiou will guide us through essential strategies for profitable app growth. He will discuss two key levers available for marketers today: AI optimization with data and predictions, primarily used in value-based bidding, and optimizing creative elements for campaigns with GenAI. Whether you're refining your skills or seeking new strategies, this webinar will equip you with the essential knowledge to optimize app campaign profits.

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The power of predictions

ROAS campaigns leverage deeper conversions, like purchase value, which are less frequent. Therefore, advertisers using VBB optimization need ample data for full optimization. If you don't have enough data, consider predictive value models to enhance your campaign. Remember, it takes time; small weekly improvements can lead to significant gains in six months.But it does take time. The more small improvements you make, week by week, 6 months later you can achieve a significant improvement.


Get ahead of your GenAI strategy

Invest in an AI expert for creative optimization. Start early, stay updated on evolving solutions, and use tools like Google's video slicing for effective campaigns. Proactivity is key in this dynamic landscape.



On mobile, we see advanced marketers maintain high market share by taking a hybrid approach, optimizing both ROI and CPI. First, nail the ROI strategy, then integrate CPI to cover volume for ideal results.

"Google campaigns optimize using AI based on the data provided. The better the data, the better the campaign results. Advertisers' data, such as conversion data, in-app purchases, and behavior, are critical for Google's AI optimization. The more accurate signals you provide to Google Ads, the better the results you'll achieve. When there's not enough data, marketers often turn to value predictions, which require expertise in creating advanced models. Building a specialized team from scratch can be challenging, so if you're not ready for that, it's better to partner with experts"
Marios Anastasiou
Marios Anastasiou
Google Ads Account Manager @

The Profitable App Blueprint: From Ad Creatives Innovation to Value-Based Bidding In User Acquisition

"Identifying the right creative with the best message to drive conversion is key and that’s why testing is so crucial for creative optimization. AI can help speed up testing and drive optimal results at a much larger scale than ever before. Geo testing, running campaigns with different creatives in specific locations at a smaller scale, helps marketers identify the best creative while managing budgets effectively. But Google’s AI also provides scores for creatives to help advertisers understand the effectiveness of each creative."
Marios Anastasiou
Marios Anastasiou
Google Ads Account Manager @

Unleash your campaign potential

Focus on your most valuable future customers, today.

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